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Your Money. Your Unique Journey.

About Oak Wealth Partners

As fiduciary financial advisors, we are sworn to always put your interest before our own. Let us be your peace of mind.

Oak Wealth Partners takes the guesswork out of handling your investments. Our holistic approach means that we have the expertise to manage your employer sponsored retirement plans as well as your traditional investments. Our goal is to help you retire in a financially stable position.

We specialize in working with:

  • Individuals and families who are in the process of saving for retirement and other important financial/life goals
  • Employees of Federal Government and Municipalities
  • Teachers, professors, social workers, military, contractors, administrators, small business owners, consultants, nurses and other healthcare professionals
  • Those who are still working and accumulating financial assets
  • Those who are transitioning to retirement or fully retired
  • Maryland residents and those geographically close to Washington, DC as well as other US citizens nationwide

Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans

Your employer sponsored retirement savings is an integral part of your future. If you are in need of reviewing your current financial position in order to be certain it matches your future goals, you are in good company. Many employees find themselves feeling overwhelmed or under educated and without the time needed to devote to savings plan management. We have a special program just for you --  and you may be surprised at how economical it is to have the assets you hold in your employer sponsored retirement plan professionally managed by OWP.

Traditional Investments

Whether you have an inheritance, proceeds from the sale of a business, a 401(k), or an IRA, you may need advice on the best ways to invest your funds. While we cannot make guarantees on returns, we vow to provide impartial advice with due diligence and transparency as it relates to your investment portfolio. You do not have to be “already wealthy” to work with us. OWP has a program to help you wherever you are on your journey toward financial independence.

We are fiduciaries – and proud of it.

As fiduciary financial advisors, we are sworn to always put your interests before our own. A fiduciary is a person or firm (e.g., Oak Wealth Partners) that holds a legal or ethical relationship of trust with one or more other parties.  A fiduciary prudently takes care of money or other assets for another person  or entity.

At Oak Wealth Partners, our investment services and  retirement savings program are commission-free so as to reduce potential conflicts of interest. Everything is transparent. No smoke and mirrors. You will always know how much you are paying and why.

We are always here to assist you with your financial planning, to help you achieve greater financial freedom and security, and to align your current actions with your future objectives.

Our investment philosophy and process is tried and true.

We use principles of a Nobel prize-winning investment theory for optimal diversification.

Although return is the first thing on most investors’ minds, we spend significant time evaluating the volatility of various investment options and how they behave when combined. The real goal of diversification is to combine assets in such a way as to achieve the least amount of risk for a given level of expected return. Or said differently, the opportunity for the most return for a given level of expected risk.

Step 1: Structural Analysis

We begin our disciplined process by identifying the range of portfolios that we will develop and what risk and return characteristics should apply to each. These portfolio strategies are suitable for most investors, from conservative to aggressive. They focus on attempting to reduce short-term volatility and chance of loss while giving the investor the opportunity to outpace inflation.

Step 2: Asset Allocation Decisions

Asset allocation is the process of deciding how much money to invest in a particular asset class, such that the combination of asset classes fits into each of the portfolio strategies identified in the structural analysis in an efficient manner. Asset classes are categories of investments with common characteristics.

The goal is to identify the combinations of asset classes that maximize return for a given level of risk or minimize risk for a given level of return. The process requires forecasting future return and risk statistics.

We develop forecasts using a combination of historical data and current market information. In our view, appropriate asset allocation decisions involve applying reasoning beyond that which historical numbers may imply.

Step 3: Security Selection Decisions

Our research team tracks and provides information on any of the securities available within your employer-sponsored plan and/or your traditional investment plan(s). Incorporated into our selection analysis are:

  • The investment’s strategy – Is the investment staying true to its objective?
  • Its people – Are managers frequently changing and what is their track record?
  • Short and long-term performance – Is the investment showing value above the benchmark?
  • Expenses – are costs dragging down long-term performance?
  • The overall role in the portfolio – Does the security contribute to the risk and return objectives of the portfolio?

Step 4: Reallocation and Rebalancing

Monitoring the portfolios is an ongoing process. We regularly evaluate whether the portfolio stays in line with its stated objectives; whether the investment options are exceeding benchmarks; and whether market conditions are influencing the portfolio’s behavior beyond expectations.

The Investment Committee meets quarterly to analyze the portfolios and market conditions. If conditions suggest the portfolio’s efficiency would benefit, the Committee may decide to reallocate the portfolios by making adjustments to the asset class weightings, staying within the guidelines of each portfolio’s investment policy statement.

Studies show that regular rebalancing enhances a portfolio’s long-term results. Rebalancing decisions also are made quarterly at the scheduled Investment Committee meetings.

Step 5: Ongoing Communication

We get it. This is your money, your unique journey. That’s why we strive to educate, communicate and clarify the strategy, the fees, and the process we use at OWP so that over time you become even more financially literate and aware of how your money is positioned and working for you.